Lamaze Healthy Birth Classes

The five-part series of Lamaze classes is recommended for first time parents. We call it The Works!
You may also take individual class sessions or register for a private overview of all of the subjects that matter most to you.

Lamaze International is the only accredited certification for childbirth educators and the most respected and recognized credential in childbirth education.
Lamaze: The Works! is tax deductible and may be reimbursed by your insurance provider.


Lamaze Healthy Birth Class is a 5-part series. Each Lamaze class session is approximately 3 hours with pre-class viewing and follow up videos, printables and additional resources to use as you prepare for the arrival of your baby.

Read a little about each session and decide if you’d like to take one or The Works! You may also choose a private session, custom fit just for your needs and interests. Choose a date and time on our class scheduler and we’ll get you on the road to building your confidence that you have all the tools to welcome your little one!

  • Signs that your body is getting ready for labor

  • How to communicate effectively with your care provider

  • How your partner can prepare for an active role in supporting you through childbirth

  • Laboring at home - what to know

  • Laboring in a hospital or birthing center and feeling empowered

  • Tools to use to cope with pain in each stage or labor

  • Breathing and relaxation techniques

  • Labor positions and comfort strategies

  • Pushing and ways to avoid unnecessary tearing

  • Early baby bonding, feeding and interventions

  • The first hours and days of your baby’s life

  • Preparing your home for a healthy postpartum

  • Listening and understanding your baby’s cues

  • Surviving and thriving through the early weeks of new parenthood

Lamaze #1

Pregnancy and Early Labor

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Visual aids and storytelling

make these classes memorable

A little chemistry, anatomy, physiology, pelvis curriculum to show you how things work and fit and then describe how early labor looks and feels (like how to ignore the unimportant stuff that just tires you out!), through active labor (Now you can pay attention!), transition and birth. 

What makes birth work – and what breaks it – You can do this! 
You just need a little GPS system – and we’ll show you how to read it! 

Pregnancy discomforts and some practical remedies. 

How to find reliable resources on the pregnancy/birth topics that mean the most to you with evidence based research. This class introduction is full of great information, presented in a fun and relaxing way – that will inspire you and your labor support partner.

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Lamaze #2

Active Labor, Birth and Early Postpartum

P.A.I.N. is not a “four-letter word”; it’s a messenger and can be used effectively for your baby to tell you what he or she needs you to do, to facilitate descent and exit!

The Induction Seduction! We’ll talk about some hospital procedures in case you need a little help, with enough detail so you can make true “informed consent” or “informed refusal” by being an educated consumer, not a “good patient”. 

Signs & Stages of Labor are described, helping you know the difference between just warming up and The Real Deal! 

Make a simple birth plan right in class.

Then we spend the last hour preparing you and your partner for a more positive postpartum period

Learn ways to ensure that you can be as rested as possible, taking the necessary time and placing healthy parameters around your nest so that you are protected; the nurturer needs nurturing too – and how to teach your visitors to really help out and not hang out.

Natural Comfort Measures for Labor & Birth

A full 3-hour, hands-on demonstration of ways to help you and your partner be active participants in your birth. 

BREATHE and birth through pain. It takes practice! Mindful practices from Birthing from Within, including conscious breathing, non-focused awareness, finding your center. You’ll have homework recordings to assist you through your home practice.

You will learn positive internal practices to help you prepare mentally for birth, positions that help birth be more effective and less painful; your partner will learn massage techniques, pressure techniques, how and when to use cold, heat, water, FOOD and drink to keep your birth progressing normally even if it turns into a marathon. 

Learn many Spinning Babies positions to get your body balanced so that baby can take their optimal position for a shorter, less dramatic labor. Homework videos make sure that your postures are on point and that you’re rested and ready for the day your baby decides to come.

These techniques are helpful whether or not you plan on using pain medications; no matter if you’re at home or in the hospital.

Successful Breastfeeding for Your Family

Easing your new family into the nursing experience with fewer caveats is the foundation of this course.

Just like birth, milk making is run by hormones. When you follow nature’s plan, it works smoothly. Preparing your nest, the supplies and support you may need, Your partner receives understanding of how they can really help and feel part of this lovely family experience.

Milk making is a sacred job. Babies are born nursers and this class will help you lovingly feed your newborn and get the nurturing help that you need to achieve your goals.
Partners nurse too - they just need a little understanding of what that role entails. We're here to help. Tips, tricks and instincts all come into play in helping you become a successful breastfeeding family.

Helpful planning now with practical understanding of newborn feeding and sleep requirements sets you up for success as a really confident milk-maker!

Live somewhere else or already had your baby? View our pre-recorded class!

Newborn Care, Calming & Massage

Our 3 hour class prepares you in the simplest ways for those early baby days. Babies are literally in their own little world. Take a baby's eye view of what it is like for them in the early hours, days and weeks of life. Characteristics of the newborn, diapering, bathing, simplifying baby care.

This 3-hour class will increase your excitement to get your hands on that precious little squishy person about to enter into your lives.

Babies don’t come with instruction manuals, however, we’re going to help you get into the mind of a newborn and you'll see how easy it can be to read those cries, cues and coos.

Diapering, bathing, taking a temperature, when to call the pediatrician, getting more sleep and baby milestones are all topics covered in this session.

Understanding your baby's cry and how to soothe them and help them (and you) sleep more soundly. Simple step-by-step methods to calm your crying baby like magic!

An 8-minute massage technique to calm both you and your little one, promoting easier feeding, digestion, sleep and weight gain.

Newborn expert, Brenda Kirkpatrick guides you with hands-on play and practice.